The 8 parts of speech definitions with examples include nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.
By using proper grammar in your writing and speaking, you will communicate clearly and effectively with your subject or audience! Moreover, by learning and understanding the 8 parts of speech, you will be able to master proper grammar in your writing and speaking. Below are the 8 parts of speech definitions with examples!

TOC – 8 Parts of Speech Definitions With Examples
Definition of Parts of Speech: A part of speech is a category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic functions.
To put it very simply, a part of speech identifies a word in accordance with its function in a sentence such as: a noun, a verb, an adjective, a pronoun, an adverb, a preposition, a conjunction and an interjection.
Some Examples of Parts of Speech:
- The driver died in the car accident. (Noun)
- The prisoner escaped from the moving van. (Verb)
- The violent criminal changed his ways in prison. (Adjective)
- The students were late so they ran to class. (Pronoun)
- The bus will leave soon. (Adverb)
- He left his computer in the house. (Preposition)
- David and Jonathan fished all day with no success. (Conjunction)
- Wow! What a magnificent photograph! (Interjection)
1. Nouns
Definition of Nouns: Nouns are naming words and they name persons, places, things, animals, qualities, feelings, actions or ideas.
Examples of Nouns:
- Jonathan and Rachel are excellent workers (Naming a Person).
- Australia and New Zealand are island continents in the South Pacific (Naming a Place).
- The boat sank in the river (Naming a Thing).
- The dog jumped the fence (Naming an Animal).
- Courage and bravery are two heroic qualities (Naming a Quality).
- Candice experienced both happiness and sadness at her mother’s funeral (Naming a Feeling).
- The arrival of my sister surprised my family (Naming an Action).
- He demanded justice for all (Naming an Idea).
Examples of Types of Nouns:
- Jennifer is my best friend (Proper Noun).
- I read several books a week (Common Noun).
- Emma parked her vehicle in the driveway (Concrete Noun).
- His joy overwhelmed the crowd (Abstract Noun).
- I gave my brother a pack of cards for his birthday (Collective Noun).
- My mother-in-law drives a new car (Compound Noun).
- The photographer took a variety of photographs at the school picnic (Countable Noun).
- The jogger brought his water with him (Non-Countable Noun).
- Jonathan’s pickup is being repaired (Possessive Noun).
- His return was a complete surprise (Verbal Noun).
You can learn more about the types of nouns in English grammar by checking out 10 Types of Nouns With Examples. You will find each type of noun explained with several examples so that your skill levels to recognize nouns will increase.
Examples of Functions of Nouns:
- David arrived late to the party (Noun Functions as Subject).
- Rebekah washed the dishes before she went to school (Noun Functions as Direct Object).
- Jonathan taught the students public speaking in class (Noun Functions as Indirect Object).
- Scott is the minister of the local church (Noun Functions as Predicate Nominative).
- The traffic stopped at the lights (Noun Functions as Object of Preposition).
- My assistant, Brad, shared the message on Sunday (Noun Functions as an Appositive).
- Rebekah named her dog Bailey (Noun Functions as Objective Complement).
- Class, it is time for fire drill (Noun Functions as Noun of Direct Address).
You can learn more about the functions of Nouns in English grammar by clicking on The 8 Noun Functions With Examples. You will find each function explained with examples to help you develop your skills in recognizing the different ways nouns function.
2. Verbs
Definition of Verbs: Verbs show action or state-of-being.
Examples of Verb Types:
- The dog jumped the fence (Action Verb).
- Rachel is beautiful (State-of-Being Verb).
- Brad hits the ball over the fence (Action Verb).
- The song sounds awful (State-of-Being).
- Emma walked the dog in the park (Action Verb).
Examples of Verb Functions:
- Candice writes a letter to her friend (Transitive Verb).
- Candice writes beautifully (Intransitive Verb).
- David walked the dog in the park (Transitive Verb).
- David walked in the park in the rain (Intransitive Verb).
- Emma became an apprentice hairdresser (Intransitive Verb).
Examples of Verb Voices:
- John rode the bike to school (Active Voice).
- The bike was ridden by John (Passive Voice).
- Jennifer led the worship service (Active Voice).
- The worship service was led by Jennifer (Passive Voice).
- The criminal was punished by the courts (Passive Voice).
You can learn more about how to identify types, functions and voices of verbs by clicking on How To Identify Verbs With Examples. This will help you develop your writing and speaking gifts.
3. Adjectives
Definition of Adjectives: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words in a sentence thus making your writing and speaking more specific and interesting.
Examples of Several Types Adjectives:
- English grammar will help you develop your writing and speaking skills (Proper Adjective).
- Rachel had beautiful hair (Descriptive Adjective).
- My son bought an expensive car (Qualitative Adjective).
- The black cat ran in front of the car (Attributive Adjective).
- The cat is black (Predicative Adjective).
- My husband has a single focus for life (Quantitative Adjective).
- I can get twenty-four hours of service in our location (Numeral Adjective).
- I want those people charged for robbery (Demonstrative Adjective).
- David wants every person evacuated safely (Distributive Adjective).
- What time will you arrived home from the game (Interrogative Adjective)?
- The students will submit their assignments on time (Possessive Adjective).
- It is a long, narrow, winding road to the mountain top (Sequence Adjectives).
- Emma is a happy and lively person (Coordinate Adjectives).
- That was one nasty old man who drove the school bus this morning (Cumulative Adjectives).
- The murderer is a cold-blooded person (Compound Adjective).
- The builder bought a house in the country (Article Adjectives).
- Jonathan wants a few minutes of your time (Indefinite Adjective).
- The first person in the line collapsed onto the floor (Ordinal Adjective).
- The two men were jailed for life (Cardinal Adjective).
Learning to recognize the different types of adjectives will help you develop your speaking and writing skills so that you can be more specific, interesting and colorful in the way you express yourself.
4. Pronouns
Definition of Pronouns: Pronouns are words that replace nouns in sentence in order to avoid repeating the same noun over and over again.
Examples of Several Types of Pronouns:
- Dad, will you help me with my assignment (Personal Pronoun)?
- Who told you that (Interrogative Pronoun)?
- These books are mine (Possessive Pronoun).
- Give me that (Demonstrative Pronoun)!
- Some made thousands from the market collapse (Indefinite Pronoun).
- The player who was warmed about his behavior lost his spot on the team (Relative Pronoun).
- Candice saw herself in the mirror (Reflective Pronoun).
- David repairs the car himself (Emphatic Pronoun).
You can learn more about the different types of pronouns in English grammar with examples by clicking on Types of Pronouns With Examples. You will find a brief explanation of each type of pronoun with some examples. This will help you understand how pronouns work in English sentences.

5. Adverbs
Definition of Adverbs: Adverbs are words or a group of words that modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. They usually tell when, where, how or to what extent an action is performed or it may indicate the quality or degree of the action.
Examples of Different Types of Adverbs:
- She worked slowly and carefully on the building site (Adverb of Manner).
- David will be home soon (Adverb of Time).
- Candice put her book there (Adverb of Place).
- We are extremely hungry (Adverb of Degree).
- She never cleans her room (Adverb of Frequency).
- He gave little to charity (Adverb of Quantity).
- He fell forward on the parade ground (Adverb of Direction).
- Hopefully, I will be able to attend class today (Adverb of Uncertainty).
- Rachel went shopping; however, she didn’t buy anything (Conjunctive Adverb).
- Yes, I will be coming to the game tomorrow (Adverb of Affirmation).
You can learn more about adverbs and how they are used in English sentences by clicking on What is an Adverb? Adverb can be confusing at times because they perform differently roles and they can be inserted at different place in English sentences. By learning to recognize the types of adverbs and how they function in sentences, you will certainly increase your ability to write and speak with interesting to your audiences.
6. Prepositions
Definition of Prepositions: Prepositions consist of words or groups of words that show the relationship between nouns or pronouns with other words in sentences.
Examples of Several Types of Prepositions:
- Emma arrived on Saturday afternoon (Preposition of Time).
- The book is on the table (Preposition of Place).
- David will ride his bike to the game on Saturday (Preposition of Movement).
- Rebekah goes to work by bus (Preposition of Manner).
- Jonathan is sawing the timber with his new saw (Preposition of Agent).
- The hardware store sells electrical cord by the meter (Preposition of Measure).
- Candace received her weekly wage from her workplace (Preposition of Source).
- This is the property of my late wife (Preposition of Possession).
You can learn more about the 8 types of prepositions with examples by clicking on 8 types of prepositions with examples. Once you identify the 8 types of preposition and how they function in sentence, you will become more creative in your writing and speaking skills.
7. Conjunctions
Definition of Conjunctions: Conjunctions are words or groups of words that show how ideas are related to each other in English sentences.
Examples of Several Types of Conjunctions:
- Rachel and Darcy traveled to the zoo during the holidays (Coordinating Conjunction).
- Unless the drought breaks soon, many farmers will find it very difficult to continue farming (Subordinating Conjunction).
- David is both discreet and considerate (Correlative Conjunctions).
- We have been good friends; however, I think at times you take me for granted (Conjunctive Adverb).
- The stray dog not only destroyed the chicken pen but also killed the chickens (Correlative Conjunctions).
You can learn more about the 4 types of conjunctions with examples by clicking on 4 Types of Conjunctions With Examples. By learning these 4 types of conjunctions with examples, you will be able to identify how words, phrases and clauses relate to each other in English sentences.
8. Interjections
Definition of Interjections: Interjections are used to express feelings and emotions in English sentences.
Examples of Interjections:
- Oh, you can’t be serious!
- Wow! That’s was excellent.
- Ah, I needed that cuppa!
- I won the lottery, wahoo!
- It stinks, hey, I will never do that again!
You can learn more about interjections by clicking on What is an Interjection?
The more you understand the 8 parts of speech in English grammar with examples, the better you will be able to write and speak to your designated audience. Enjoy!
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