Different types of nouns provide 6 types of nouns that make up a sentence in the English language. Understanding the usage of the different types of nouns will help you develop your English grammar and your ability to write English sentences.

6 Different Types of Nouns
There are several types of nouns used to make up a sentence in the English language. Let’s look at six different types of English nouns with several examples.
1. Proper Nouns
Proper nouns name specific persons, places or things.
- Jonathan is my friend.
- Fiji is a great place to visit in your holidays.
- The Universe is vast and majestic.
If a proper noun names a specific thing, it is usually prefixed by the definite article “the”.
I have written another article on 8 Types of Nouns in English Grammar With Examples highlighting each type with several examples.
- The Foundation provided monies for different charities.
- The American Civil War is forgotten history today.
- The Middle East Crisis has been volatile for many years.
2. Common Nouns
Common nouns name any person, place or thing.
- A man and a woman were dragged from the raging river.
- The boys usually played in a park close to their homes.
- Because a part on the bike was broken, Jonathan had to walk to the shop.
Usually, common nouns are prefixed by the indefinite article “a”.
- A noise came from the backyard.
- A shout was heard in the whole neighborhood.
- A person who steals for a living is a low-down thief.
3. Concrete Nouns
Concrete nouns name things in their material forms.
- Rebekah helped her father mow the lawn.
- Rachel put the mower in the shed.
- The spanner fell on the garage floor.
Concrete nouns are material things that are tangible.
- The desk in the office was very expensive.
- The house down the road was demolished during the week.
- The boat in the shed had not be used for a very long time.
4. Abstract Nouns
Abstract Nouns name concepts, ideas or emotions.
- Love is kind and gentle.
- His courage saved the day.
- Forgiveness is part of the Christian life.
If you cannot taste, touch, hear, smell or see something, it is an abstract noun.
I have written an in-depth article on 10 Types of Nouns in English Grammar With Examples highlighting each type with several examples.
- Our minister is a great leader because of his compassion for people.
- The angry man down the street had a bad attitude.
- The local car salesman was dishonest in his dealing with his customers.
5. Collective Nouns
Collective Nouns name a group or a collection.
- A team of champions is not always a champion team.
- A number of suburbs make up the city.
- A flock of birds flow over head.
- A herd of cattle were loose on the road and in danger of being injured by speeding cars.
- A pack of wolves circled the lone animal in order to attack and kill it.
6. Compound Nouns
Compound Nouns are made up of two or more words.
- The bathroom was vacant.
- The teacher wrote the exam notes on the blackboard.
- The robber was caught by the policeman.
- The backyard was overgrown with weeds and thistles.
- The playground at the camping grounds had many attractions for young families.
- The family rodeo was held at the showgrounds on Saturday night.
Resources For Different Types of Nouns
English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy
Plain English Handbook by J. Martyn Walsh and Anna Kathleen Walsh
The Only Grammar Book by Susan Thurman
Mastering English Grammar by S.H. Burton
For more information on the types of nouns, check out the 8 Types of Nouns With Examples