Functions of a Noun provides the eight different noun functions with examples so that you can understand how nouns function in a sentence.

How Nouns Function in a Sentence!
There are eight (8) different noun functions in English grammar. Providing several examples will help you understand how they are used in sentences.
1. Noun Functions as Subject
Subject tells “who” or “what” about the verb.
- Jonathan ran to school because he was late.
- Fiji is a great place to visit in your holidays.
2. Noun Functions as Direct Object
Direct object answers “whom” or “what” after an action verb.
- Rebekah loved Jacob with all her heart.
- David threw the ball to Jonathan.
3. Noun Functions as Indirect Object
Indirect object tells “to whom” or “for whom” the action is done.
- Dad gave Bradley the money to buy the car.
- Rachel brought dad the newspaper.
You identify the indirect object in the first sentence above by asking “Dad gave the money to whom?” The answer is “Bradley”.
You identify the indirect object in the second sentence above by asking “Rachel brought the newspaper to whom?” The answer is “dad”.
4. Noun Functions as Predicate Nominative
A noun that follows a linking verb may function as a predicate nominative. A predicate nominative always renames the subject.
- Thomas is the minister of the Baptist Church.
- I am the manager of the Pizza Hut.
Notice in both sentences that the predicate nominative follows the linking verb and renames the subject (Minister = Thomas and Manger = I).
5. Noun Functions as Object of Proposition
Object of Preposition is the last word in a prepositional phrase.
- The boy was hurt in the accident.
- The driver filled the fuel tank of the bus.
6. Noun Functions as Noun of Direct Address
Noun of Direct Address is used to address someone or something.
- Fellow citizens, it is time to clean up our city.
- And now, children, I want you to sit quietly in the bus.
7. Noun Functions as an Appositive
An Appositive explains a noun or pronoun that comes just before it.
- Rebekah’s sister, Rachel, was an intelligent student.
- Rebekah, the eldest in the family, was a hard-working student.
8. Noun Functions as Objective Complement
Objective Complement follows a direct object and renames the direct object.
- They elected George Bush president.
- People often called our minister a spiritual guide.
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Resources For Functions of a Noun
English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy
Plain English Handbook by J. Martyn Walsh and Anna Kathleen Walsh
The Only Grammar Book by Susan Thurman
Mastering English Grammar by S.H. Burton
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