Linking Verb helps you understand the hidden linking verbs in a sentence. Once you know the usual linking verbs, you will be able to spot them very quickly.

Hidden Linking Verbs
Some verbs are linking verbs if they can be replaced by state-of-being verbs.
These verbs which are often called hidden linking verbs link the subject of the sentence with the adjective or noun that describes it.
In the example below the verb is a hidden linking verb because it links the subject (men) with the adjective (sleepy).
- The men appear sleepy.
- The men are sleepy.
The word appear in the above sentence is doing the job of the state-of-being verb are.
Appear is a hidden linking verb because it is doing the job of a state-of-being verb.
State-of-being verbs: am, is, are, was, were.
Here is another example of a hidden linking verb that can be replaced by a state-of-being verb.
Remember the verb is a hidden linking verb when it links the subject of the sentence with the adjective or noun that describes it.
In the example below the verb is a hidden linking verb because it links the subject (cake) with the adjective (delicious).
- The chocolate cake smells delicious.
- The chocolate cake is delicious.
The word smells in the above sentence is doing the work of the state-of-being verb is.
Smells is a hidden linking verb because it is doing the work of a state-of-being verb.
It is beneficial to know the list of these hidden linking verbs so that you can identify them in sentences.
A List of Hidden Linking Verbs
- look
- appear
- smell
- seem
- taste
- become
- grow
- remain
- prove
- feel
- sound
- keep
A Tip For Hidden Linking Verbs
If a verb looks like an action verb and if it can be replaced by am, is, are, was or were, it is not an action verb but it is a hidden linking verb. Furthermore, these verbs which are hidden linking verbs link the subject of the sentence to the adjective or noun that describes it.
You need to recognize that these verbs which can be used as hidden linking verbs can be used as action verbs in a sentence also. Notice the two examples below.
- The children grew quickly.
- The men appeared from nowhere.
12 Most Common Linking Verbs
Resources For Linking Verb
English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy
Plain English Handbook by J. Martyn Walsh and Anna Kathleen Walsh
The Only Grammar Book by Susan Thurman
Mastering English Grammar by S.H. Burton