Basic English Grammar provides a SiteMap with all the web pages associated with Basic English Grammar.

What is a Simple Sentence With Examples? | Simple Sentences!
A simple sentence consists of a single independent clause which has a subject and predicate.
Predicate Nominative Vs Predicate Adjective | English Grammar!
Predicate Nominative vs Predicate Adjective explains the difference by definition and by giving several examples!
4 Types of Sentence Structure With Examples | English Sentences!
The 4 types of sentence structure with examples are: simple, compound, complex and compound-complex. Learn and develop your writing skills!
4 Types of Sentences With Examples | Basic English Grammar!
The 4 types of sentences with examples are: declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences.
Examples of Possessive Pronouns in Sentences | Pronouns
Examples of possessive pronouns in sentences will help you identify the 7 possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours and theirs.
What are the 7 Possessive Pronouns? | Possessive Pronouns!
What are the 7 possessive pronouns? The 7 possessive pronouns are: mine, yours, his hers, its, ours and theirs.
How To Use Multiple Adjectives in a Sentence | Multiple Adjectives
How to use multiple adjectives in a sentence involves identifying them as either coordinate or cumulative adjectives because their function!
What are Some Examples of Cumulative Adjectives | Cumulative Adjectives
What are Some Examples of Cumulative Adjectives! These examples of cumulative adjectives will help you spot and identify cumulative adjectives in everyday English sentences.
What are Cumulative Adjectives With Examples | Cumulative Adjectives
What are cumulative adjectives with examples? Cumulative adjectives are two or more adjectives that work together to build upon each other to modify the same noun.
What are Coordinate Adjectives With Examples | Coordinate Adjectives
What are coordinate adjectives with examples? Coordinate adjectives are adjectives that work together to independently modify the same noun.
8 Simple Comma Rules With Examples | 8 Comma Rules
As a general rule, these 8 simple comma rules with examples will take the guess work out of comma placement in English sentences.
5 Types of Adverbs in English Grammar With Examples | 5 Types of Adverbs
The 5 types of adverbs in English grammar with examples include time, manner, place, degree and frequency. These adverbs are simple adverbs.
8 Types of Adjectives in English Grammar With Examples | 8 Types of Adjectives
There are 8 types of adjectives with examples which include proper, descriptive, quantitative, numeral, demonstrative, distributive, interrogative and possessive.
8 Types of Pronouns in English Grammar With Examples | 8 Types of Pronouns
The 8 types of pronouns in English grammar with examples include personal, interrogative, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, relative, reflexive and intensive.
8 Parts of Speech Definitions With Examples | 8 Parts of Speech
The 8 parts of speech definitions with examples include nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.
10 Types of Nouns in English Grammar With Examples | 10 Types of Nouns
The reason we learn to recognize the 10 types of nouns in English grammar with examples is because it helps us expand our writing and speaking skills.
8 Types of Nouns in English Grammar With Examples | 8 Types of Nouns
The 8 types of nouns in English grammar and examples include proper, common, concrete, abstract, collective, compound, countable and non-countable nouns.
8 Types of Propositions in English Grammar With Examples | 8 Types of Prepositions
The 8 types of prepositions in English grammar with examples include prepositions of time, place, movement, manner, agent, measure, source and possession.
4 Types of Conjunctions in English Grammar With Examples | 4 Types of Conjunctions
The 4 types of conjunctions in English grammar with examples are: coordinating, subordinating, correlative and adverbial conjunctions.
8 Noun Functions | How Nouns Function in English Sentences
8 Noun Functions! How do nouns function in English sentences? In this article I will explain and illustrate the 8 noun functions in English sentences.
A List of Helping Verbs | Helping Verbs
A list of helping verbs will help you identify helping verbs in sentences.
Basic English Grammar | Understanding the Eight Parts of Speech
Basic English Grammar presents information relating to the eight parts of speech in order to help you understand how words work in the structure of a sentence. After all, everyone should have the ability to write a sentence grammatically correct.
Diagramming English Sentences | Diagramming Sentences
Diagramming English Sentences show the diagram of English sentence structure in relation to the eight parts of speech.
Different Types of Nouns | Types of Nouns
Different Types of Nouns presents the types of nouns that make up a sentence in the English language.
English Verbs | Verbs
English verbs provide a basic understanding of how verbs are used in sentences.
Extended List of Irregular Verbs | Regular and Irregular Verbs
Extended List of Irregular Verbs provides a list of irregular verbs and defines the difference between regular and irregular verbs.
Functions of a Noun | How Nouns Function in a Sentence
Functions of a noun provides the eight different noun functions so that you can understand how nouns function in a sentence.
How To Identify Verbs | Identifying Verbs in Sentences
How To Identify Verbs? There are many ways to understand verbs but I have found a simple chart with explains verb kinds, verb functions and verb voices to suffice.
Linking Verb | Hidden Linking Verbs
Linking Verb helps you understand the hidden linking verbs.
Pronouns | Types of Pronouns
There are seven types of pronouns. A brief explanation of each type of pronoun will help you understand how pronouns work in sentences.
Sentences of Troublesome Words | Troublesome Words in Sentences
Sentences of troubesome words look at troublesome verb pairs – lie and lay, sit and set, and rise and raise.
Sitemap | Basic English Grammar
Basic English Grammar Sitemap provides the names of all the webpages associated with Basic English Grammar.
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs | Two Functions of Verbs
Recognizing Transitive and Intransitive Verbs will help you understand the functions of verbs.
Types of English Sentence Structure | English Sentence Structure
There are four types of English sentence structure. Once you master these four types of English sentence structure, you will find writing easier and enjoyable.
What is a Conjunction? | Types of Conjunctions Used in Sentences
What is a Conjunction looks at the four types of conjunctions and how they work: coordinating, subordinating, correlative and conjunctive adverbs.
What is a Definite Article and an Indefinite Article | Definite Articles and Indefinite Articles
What is a Definite Article and an Indefinite Article explains the grammatical significance of definite articles and indefinite articles.
What is an Adjective | Adjectives
What is an Adjective explains how to recognize an adjective and where it is placed in an English sentence.
What is an Adverb | How To Identify Adverbs in Sentences
What is an Adverb explains how to recognize an adverb and where it is placed in an English sentence.
What is an Interjection | How To Punctuate Injections?
What is an interjection? An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses emotion. Interjections have no grammatical connection with the other words in an English sentence.
Worksheet For Transitive and Intransitive Verbs | Transitive and Intransitive Verb Exercises
A Worksheet For Transitive and Intransitive Verbs provides transitive and intransitive verb exercises in order to learn to recognize the two functions of verbs.
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