Understanding the Eight Parts of Speech: Using proper grammar is an important part of communicating clearly and effectively with your audience. Learning and Understanding the eight parts of speech, the parts of a sentence and the different kinds of sentences will help you master the rules of grammar and present your material grammatically correct.

Every word in a sentence has a specific function. When you recognize what a word does in a sentence, the word can be classified as a particular part of speech. Traditional English grammars list eight parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.
Some words act only as one part of speech; whereas, others may act as several parts of speech, depending on how the word is used in the sentence.
When you read, write and speak, you more than likely do not bother to classify words as particular parts of speech. There is no reason for this most of the time. However, when you want to identify and correct grammatical errors, it is important to understand what the parts of speech are and how they function in the sentence.
Therefore, Basic English Grammar presents information relating to the eight parts of speech in order to help you understand how words work in the structure of a sentence. After all, everyone should have the ability to write a sentence grammatically correct.
I have updated the 8 Parts of Speech Definitions With Examples with lots of more information and examples. You can check this article out by clicking on the following link – 8 Parts of Speech Definitions With Examples.
Simple Definitions for the Eight Parts of Speech
1. Nouns
Nouns are naming words. Nouns name a person, place, thing or idea.
2. Verbs
Verbs show action or state-of-being.
3. Adjectives
Adjectives describe or modify nouns.
4. Pronouns
Pronouns take the place of nouns.
5. Adverbs
Adverbs tell about verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
6. Prepositions
Propositions show position and how things go together.
7. Conjunctions
Conjunctions are joining words.
8. Interjections
Interjections express strong or sudden feeling.
You can get more information on the 8 Parts of Speech Definitions With Examples by clicking on the following link – 8 Parts of Speech With Examples.
Resources For Understanding the Eight Parts of Speech
English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy
Plain English Handbook by J. Martyn Walsh and Anna Kathleen Walsh
The Only Grammar Book by Susan Thurman
Mastering English Grammar by S.H. Burton